The date has been set for this year’s FA Forum Day. We are scheduling this event to take place on 15th and 16th of September 2018. The venue will be the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington.
Currently we are in the early stages of organising the weekend and will provide more details as soon as we have the information to hand. We are looking at guest speakers that will provide valuable information to our FA Community as well as providing an opportunity to share information amongst ourselves.
Accommodation and catering is provided at the venue which we believe will make it easier for those families travelling and there will be a complimentary airport shuttle service from the airport to the hotel.
We are looking for expressions of interest as to how many will be attending and would ask that you contact Barb in the first instance by emailing: bcroawell@outlook.com with numbers attending and where you are travelling from. Obviously, more details will be provided as soon as possible to give you an idea of costings, but we will be trying to minimize those where possible to make this weekend conference more accessible for all of you.
Our intention is to make this as hassle free as possible for you all, so watch this space!