Support & Resources

Diagnosis of Friedreich Ataxia is an extremely challenging time for both the individual and the family.

Here are key support and resources available to help you:


Support and Advocacy: We advocate for the best care, treatment, and quality of life for New Zealanders with Friedreich Ataxia (FA).

  • Research Funding: We raise funds to support research towards a cure for FA.

  • Information and Resources: We provide up-to-date information on FA research and the treatment pipeline.

  • Membership: We encourage people diagnosed with FA, their families, and friends to become members for support and information.

  • Contact: |

Clinical Care:

Neurogenetic Research Clinic (Auckland University): Offers physiotherapy, occupational therapy assessments, and potential participation in FA research trials. For information, contact

Patient Registries:

The New Zealand Neuromuscular Disease Registry (Punaha Io Neurogenetic Research Bank): Register to contribute to research by anonymously sharing your medical data. Contact


Muscular Dystrophy Association of NZ (MDANZ): Provides support, information, counselling, and financial assistance. Contact | 0800 800 337.

The Duncan Foundation: Offers neurological therapy services to people with FA. Visit for information.

The FA App:


This free app offers:

  • Latest FA information

  • Connection to the FA community

  • Tools to track your condition

  • Ways to contribute to FA research

Download it from the AppStore or Google Play. |

Online Resources:

  • FA Parents Group: A private email support group for families with children diagnosed with FA. Visit to join or learn more.

  • FA Clinical Care Guidelines: A resource for healthcare professionals treating FA.

  • Friedreich Ataxia News: Sign up for their newsletter to stay updated on global FA news:

  • ConnectFA: A resource for information and support from Biogen (previously Reata Pharmaceuticals), a company developing new FA treatments. Visit


FARA NZ collaborates with FARA USA and fara Australia on research and fundraising. You can find information on current FA research at